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Over 360 Million User's Data Leak SuperVPN

SUPERVPN: The Free VPN Service That Leaks Your Data ...

SuperVPN, a well-known company of unfastened VPN services, has yet again found itself inside the midst of a regarding data leak. 

Over a hundred thirty gigabytes of person information, inclusive of IP addresses, e mail addresses, person tool information, server utilization information, and geolocation records, had been located brazenly handy at the net. 

With a staggering total of more than 360 million exposed records, this incident ranks among the largest leaks of VPN user data.

Unprotected Database Unveiled

The data in question was reportedly posted on an unprotected database, which came to the attention of security researcher Jeremiah Fowler. 

While no evidence suggests that malicious actors accessed the database, it may have been vulnerable for an extended period, allowing unauthorized access to user accounts. 

SuperVPN has previously claimed not to store user logs, but this leak serves as a clear demonstration that such claims are outright false.

A History of Leaks

Remarkably, this is not the first time SuperVPN has been implicated in a major data breach. 

In March 2022, three popular Android VPN services were compromised, resulting in the exposure of 21 million user records being offered for ransom on the dark web. 

These incidents emphasize the importance of selecting VPN services with proven security records. It is vital to always investigate whether a VPN service has experienced previous security incidents and how they were resolved.

Examining the Data Leak

In this section, we will delve into the details of the recent data leak and its implications for VPN users. Additionally, we will provide valuable tips on choosing a reliable and secure VPN service that prioritizes your online privacy and security.

SuperVPN's Popularity and Features

SuperVPN is a free VPN service widely used for Android devices, boasting over 100 million downloads on Google Play. Its description highlights features such as unlimited bandwidth, access to blocked websites and apps, and protection against third-party tracking.

However, despite its popularity and promises, SuperVPN has gained a notorious reputation among security experts and reviewers. 

Critical vulnerabilities have been discovered within the service, enabling potential interception and manipulation of user traffic.

 Furthermore, its privacy policy has been described as "worthless," copied from other companies and plagued by contradictory statements. 

SuperVPN has also been implicated in multiple instances of collecting and leaking user data.

The Data Leak Unveiled

According to Fowler's report, the unprotected database came to light on May 24th, 2023. With over 133 GB of data and more than 360 million records, the database contained various types of user information, including IP addresses, email addresses, user device details (device ID, model name, manufacturer name), server usage records (server name, location, connection time), and geolocation data (country name). 

Notably, references to "SuperVPN" appeared in some email addresses and server names, suggesting that the database belonged to the company. 

Fowler also observed information relating to other VPN services like GeckoVPN and ChatVPN, speculating on potential connections or shared infrastructure.

Fowler attempted to contact SuperVPN via email but received no response. 

He also notified the hosting provider responsible for the database; however, no confirmation of action taken was received. Fowler published his findings on May 24th, 2023.

The duration of the database's exposure and potential unauthorized access remain unclear. Fowler did now not become aware of any evidence of ransomware or different malicious sports within the database. 

Nevertheless, he advised that the leaked information may be exploited by means of cybercriminals for numerous functions, which includes phishing, identity robbery, fraud, or centered assaults.

Risks Faced by VPN Users

The data leak poses severe risks to VPN users who relied on SuperVPN to safeguard their online privacy and security. By exposing their personal information and online activities, SuperVPN has not only violated their trust but also subjected them to various threats.

Potential consequences for VPN users include:

  • Phishing: Cybercriminals may exploit the email addresses and geolocation data to craft convincing phishing emails specifically targeting VPN users. Pretending to be SuperVPN or another legitimate entity, attackers could request users to verify their accounts or provide sensitive information.

  • Identity theft: Cybercriminals could use the IP addresses and user device information to impersonate VPN users online. This could involve accessing their online accounts or services using stolen credentials or device IDs.

  • Fraud: The leaked server usage records and geolocation data could enable cybercriminals to carry out fraudulent transactions or activities using VPN users' identities. This might entail making purchases or signing up for subscriptions using the victims' payment information or location details.

  • Targeted attacks: Cybercriminals armed with the IP addresses and user device information could launch targeted attacks against VPN users or their devices. Exploiting known vulnerabilities or installing malware on compromised devices are potential avenues of attack.

Choosing a Secure and Reliable VPN Service

The SuperVPN data leak serves as a stark reminder that not all VPN services are equal when it comes to security and privacy. 

Some providers may offer free or inexpensive services while compromising on essential aspects of user protection. 

Others may boast about high-quality services without delivering on their promises.

To mitigate these risks, VPN users should take the following factors into account when choosing a reliable and secure VPN service:

  • Reputation: Seek reviews and ratings from reputable sources, such as security experts or independent testers. Avoid VPN services that have negative reviews or low ratings.

  • Privacy policy: Thoroughly read the privacy policy and be vigilant for any red flags, such as vague terms or contradictory statements. Avoid VPN services that collect or share user logs or personal information.

  • Features: Look for features that enhance security and privacy, including encryption protocols, kill switches, and leak protection. Steer clear of VPN services lacking these features or known vulnerabilities.

  • Location: Opt for VPN services based in countries with robust privacy laws or no mandatory data retention regulations. Conversely, avoid VPN services based in countries with weak privacy laws or intrusive surveillance practices.

  • Price: Consider VPN services that offer reasonable prices relative to their features and quality. Be cautious of free or extremely cheap VPN services, as they may harbor hidden costs or risks.


SuperVPN, a highly popular free VPN service for Android devices, has once again proven itself to be insecure and untrustworthy. Multiple data leaks involving millions of user records have severely compromised the trust placed in SuperVPN for protecting online privacy and security.

To mitigate the risks associated with VPN utilization, individuals should pick VPN services which can be reliable, steady, and prioritize the availability of extraordinary functions. 

Additionally, users must continue to be vigilant for symptoms of phishing and different cyberattacks, taking vital precautions to shield themselves online.